Y DALAITH - The Province
with the byline
O FRAWD I FRAWD - From Brother to Brother

The Welsh and English Language versions of the title will be shown but with prominence given to the Welsh.
The new title and byline are distinctive and reflective of the nature of both the Province and the composition of the magazine. Unlike the old title, the new one does not have special significance to any locale within the Province. The old title referred to the street address of the Cardiff Masonic Hall, where the Provincial Office was located until March 2006. When the office moved to Newport Road, the reason for the title - which was always quite obscure to those not "in the know" - became redundant.
The first edition under the banner "Y Dalaith" is going to press shortly and should "hit the streets" early in January - with 32 pages it will be the largest ever issue.
This is the start of a new chapter in the ongoing evolution of the Provincial magazine - which will remain true to the values and qualities it has always had - and will no doubt continue to go from strength to strength.
Y Dalaith will no doubt be warmly welcomed by all the Brethren of the Province of South Wales, Eastern Division and their famlies.
Watch out for it