The Lodge was honoured by the presence of the Right Worshipful Assistant Grand Master, R.W.Bro. David K. Williamson - the first time in almost a quarter of a century that one of the Rulers had attended a Private Lodge in this Province. He was accompanied by the Assistant Grand Secretary V.W.Bro. Graham F. Redman, PGSwdB, and W.Bro. Nicholas Bosanquet, PDepGDC.
Our own Provincial Grand Master R.W. Bro. Hywel Davies, a Past Master of the Lodge, was in attendance accompanied by his entire Executive Team. Past Deputy Provincial Grand Masters V.W.Bros. J. Stuart Peters, PGSwdB; and Peter Frost PGSwdB (also Hendre Past Masters) were in attendance as was W.Bro. Robert J. Nettleship, PSGD, PAProvGM. The Lodge was also honoured by the presence of R.W.Bro. Rodney C. Smallwood, Provincial Grand Master for Herefordshire.
More than 180 Brethren filled the Duke of Connaught Temple. The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Andrew L. Gretton, PSGD, Deputy Provincial Grand Master. A precis of the history of the Lodge was read by the Secretary, W.Bro. Kelvin Jones, PPrAGReg. The Centenary Warrant was read to the Brethren assembled by the Assistant Grand Secretary.
The R.W. Assistant Grand Master then addressed the Brethren. After the ceremonial element of his address, his topic was the University Lodges Scheme, which he hoped would expand into South Wales in the near future. The theme was continued by W.Bro Nicholas Bosanquet who expanded upon the merits of the system and revealed that he had been asked to co-ordinate these efforts in this part of the jurisdiction.
Earlier in the meeting, the Lodge had elected its 101st Master in the person of W.Bro. S. W. Jeffrey Clarke, PAGDC who, GAoTU permitting, will be Installed at the October Meeting of the Lodge.
Following the close of the Lodge a convivial and celebratory atmosphere pervaded the Festive Board which was attended by 150 of the Brethren. The Assistant Grand Master revealed that he had very strong links with the Province, by virtue of his wife hailing from the Swansea area. It also emerged that both the Assistant Grand Secretary and the Master Elect were celebrating their own birthdays on this auspicious day in the history of the Lodge; each was regaled with a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday to You"!
The evening was rounded off by W.Bro. H. H. Judge John C. Rutter, PJGD, proposing his customary toast to the visitors. Returning to the role after a period of poor health, he was greeted with a standing ovation by the Brethren - before he had even managed to utter a syllable!
The centenary celebrations of Hendre Lodge will live long in the memory of those present. It now turns its attention to the business of its second century. Early indications appear to suggest that its future is secure with more than 30 Brethren taking up Joining membership at the Centenary Meeting and another 19 seeking membership at the October meeting.